
We’ve supported over 2m people to gain digital skills since 2010

82% of the people we support are socially excluded

We lead a movement of latern专业版破解下载 and receive funding from government, charitable orgs & corporate partners

A network of over 5,000 local community partners who help people improve their lives through digital.
A website of free online courses, helping people develop digital skills to make the most of the online world.
lan 灯 破解版
An Australia-wide movement building digital skills and confidence in older people.
A curated collection of free courses, tools and templates to help people improve the digital skills they already have and progress in their work.
Read more about Make It Click无极ip破解版

Finding policy solutions to digital and financial exclusion
03 Aug 2023 | Blog
Lockdown highlighted the relationship between digital and financial exclusion. How can we push for policy change in this area

New beginnings for Learn My Way
landeng破解版安卓版 | Blog
Starting again is scary, but that’s exactly what we’re doing in order to create the next generation of Learn My Way.

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14 Jul 2023 | 爬墙器下载
Our Future Proof project is providing key insights on the factors needed to help people reach their learning goals
Read more of our thoughts